image of 4 adolescent soccer players in yellow and blue jerseys playing on the field. 2 opposing players are falling, at a risk for injury, such as an ACL tear

Preventing ACL Tears: What Does the Evidence Say?

If you talk long enough with most athletes, especially basketball and soccer players, the topic of ACL tears comes up. It’s a far too common injury and many wonder if it can be prevented. Good news: There are ways to lower the risk of ACL injuries. Preventing ACL Tears There are several muscles and ligaments…

"Duck Walks for Sports Physicals" text overlying an image of a woman in athletic gear in deep squat position, as if she is performing a duck walk

Why is duck walking part of the sports physical?

“Do I have to do the duck walk today?” Sometimes a returning high school athlete would ask this as they walked into the room for their sports physical. There are many parts of a sports physical, but the duck walk seems to be more memorable. Every year, across the country school-aged kids participate in organized sports….