Bug Bites & Bug Bite Creams for Toddlers, Babies, and Children

Bug Bites & Bug Bite Creams for Toddlers, Babies, and Children

This is for information only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something…

Physical Milestones for 5-year-olds: How Parents Can Help Kids Learn Outdoors

Physical Milestones for 5-year-olds: How Parents Can Help Kids Learn Outdoors

Updated December 2022 For many families, age 5 feels like a huge transition from toddlerhood to “big kid” status. Children this age are still learning and developing at an incredible rate. However, they’ve moved beyond some of the toddler milestones like walking or saying their first words. 5-year-olds have a bit more finesse. Today’s post…

18-Month Motor Milestones, Achieved in the Outdoors

18-Month Motor Milestones, Achieved in the Outdoors

Updated February 2022 This post includes the updated milestones reflecting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) & American Academy of Pediatrics‘ evidence-informed developmental milestone update in February 2022. Are you wondering which skills a toddler may be ready to master? Sometimes, having a list of 18-month-old “milestones” can be helpful for families. That’s…

How to Lower Risks of  Air Pollution in Kids

How to Lower Risks of Air Pollution in Kids

Air pollution doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. Sure, it affects the lungs. Inhaling smoke and exhaust isn’t subtle. However, the effects are even more profound in kids. Air pollution affects brain development, lung development, cardiovascular health, and pregnancy outcomes. (Mothers exposed to air pollution are more likely to give birth prematurely, which comes…

Balls: An Ideal Toy for Every Stage of Development

Balls: An Ideal Toy for Every Stage of Development

Babies and kids really need very few physical things. I always hesitate when asked what products someone “should” buy for their children, especially when it comes to toys. However, there is a toy that appeals to young babies and teenagers alike. It seems simple because it is. If someone is looking for a toy to…

Nearsightedness in Children: Being Outdoors Helps!

Nearsightedness in Children: Being Outdoors Helps!

More kids today are nearsighted than a generation ago. Is there anything we can do about it? Today, I’ll review some of the more recent research about whether parents can help lower their kids’ risks of nearsightedness. I’ll discuss how spending time outdoors may help, and think about whether changing “near work” habits may make…

Tools that Make it Easier to Go Outside with Children

Tools that Make it Easier to Go Outside with Children

Spending time outside is great for kids’ health. Whether it’s their  immune system, eyesight, muscles, heart, or lungs, being outdoors improves almost every aspect of their bodies. It’s important for mental health too. Sometimes, we need to make an extra effort to get out the door or to make the outdoors more satisfying. If that’s…

Seasonal Allergies in Children (& Options for Symptom Relief)

Seasonal Allergies in Children (& Options for Symptom Relief)

“Could it be allergies?” The parents of a newborn asked, as we gazed at their baby’s tiny nose and the even tinier amount of congestion. “Well . . .” I began. Could it be? Are all snotty noses probably allergies? During some seasons, it sure feels that way. In this post, we’ll review seasonal allergies,…

Sun Safety in Kids: What Parents Need to Know

Sun Safety in Kids: What Parents Need to Know

Are you also spending more time outside? For many, it’s a great time of year to be outdoors. Recently, I’ve been asked a few questions about sun safety in kids: What are the sun protection recommendations for babies? Do my non-White children need sunscreen? What about all those chemicals in sunscreen? I’ll address all those…